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Find a freelance journalist in Victoria Falls

Find a freelance journalist in Victoria Falls

Paydesk has 1 journalist in Victoria Falls. Our journalists can do broadcast reports, as well as printed media and photography.

Our top journalist in Victoria Falls is Nokuthaba Dlamini.

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Journalists in Victoria Falls

Nokuthaba Dlamini

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Nokuthaba Dlamini is a self-driven freelance investigative journalist based in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, with a keen interest in community and development journalism. Her work is particularly centered on environmental conservation, wildlife, and the challenges faced by marginalized communities. Read moreDlamini's reporting often sheds light on environmental crimes and the broader issues that affect rural populations, with a special focus on regions such as Matabeleland South and Chiredzi.

Her journalism delves into the complexities of human-wildlife conflict, climate change, and the intersection of these issues with the lives of local communities. Dlamini has produced in-depth stories on the impact of predator attacks on livestock, the struggles of victims of wildlife attacks, and the intricacies of government compensation schemes. She also covers local initiatives aimed at restoring wetlands, managing wildlife attacks, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Dlamini's articles not only highlight the adversities but also emphasize the resilience and adaptability of communities under environmental pressures. She underscores the significance of indigenous knowledge in conservation efforts and the critical role it plays in developing sustainable solutions. Through her dedicated work in journalism and media, Dlamini continues to give a voice to the underrepresented and bring attention to pressing environmental and social issues in Zimbabwe.
English Ndebele
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Content Writing
Finance Current Affairs Science & Environment
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