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Find a freelance journalist in Greensboro

Find a freelance journalist in Greensboro

Paydesk has 1 journalist in Greensboro. Our journalists can do broadcast reports, as well as printed media and photography.

Our top journalist in Greensboro is Brook Hailu Beshah.

Use our journalist directory to find a member to work for you.

Journalists in Greensboro

Brook Hailu Beshah

Greensboro, United States of America
Brook Hailu Beshah is a journalist based in Greensboro, United States of America.
-Want to be involved in programs and serve as a resource person; as a trainer; analyst; as program evaluator; discussion partner; etc. 
--Was an adjunct professor at the Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University;Read more lectured in international media & journalism for 8 years; 
-Have an academic faculty and researcher experience in international media, political communication, international relations. Have worked as full time and as adjunct faculty in US universities; in Ethiopia & in Rwanda for 20 plus years 
-Has foreign policy and diplomacy experience in bilateral and multilateral fora in in Washington D.C. and in Paris- UNESCO 
- Have an in-depth knowledge of the workings of the UN; had served in different positions including as member of Board of UNESCO 
-Serves as a resource person & analyst for African politics, media; culture, communication; the UN; the African Union, US- African & China- African Relations; 
Ethio- US relations; the UN; African Union; African politics and media. 
-Language skills: English, German, French, Amharic 
-Have numerous interviews in English, Amharic, German and French.
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Fact Checking
Fact Checking
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