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Find a freelance photographer in Bujumbura

Find a freelance photographer in Bujumbura

Discover Bujumbura's best news photographers on our platform. Capturing the heart of the story, our professionals are available nationwide. In-Depth News Photography: Our photographers are skilled in presenting the news story through powerful images. Event Coverage: Comprehensive event coverage by top news photographers in Bujumbura. Documentary Photography: From political developments to cultural events, our photographers document every significant moment. Breaking News Photography: Reacting swiftly, our photographers capture the breaking news in Bujumbura in real time. Diane Ndonse, Yannick Remezo and Jean Bosco Nduwimana are our top photographers in Bujumbura, but you can also use our powerful search to find exactly what you are looking for.

Photographers in Bujumbura

Diane Ndonse

Bujumbura, Burundi
Diane Ndonse is a journalist. Specialized in the production of radio broadcasts, in radio reports, she produces articles for the written press. She is also a photographer and cameraman and a consultant in the management of communication platforms for private companies.Activist also of women’s Read morerights in general and especially those of women journalists.

Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Pedagogy, Associate of Secondary Education, she also holds a certificate in gender and development and obtained another certificate issued by RNTC Media Training Center for having taken the training on “Media Campaigns for Social Changes”. 

Trainer for journalists on the fundamentals of journalism on gender mainstreaming in media productions, and media campaigns for social change.
English French Kirundi
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Finance Politics

Yannick Remezo

Bujumbura, Burundi
Yannick Remezo is a journalist based in Bujumbura, Burundi.
English French Kirundi
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Documentaries Photography
Fact Checking

Jean Bosco Nduwimana

Bujumbura, Burundi
Jean Bosco Nduwimana is a journalist based in Bujumbura, Burundi.
English French Kirundi
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Vox Pop Documentaries
Fact Checking
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