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Ricardo Marquina

Moscow, Russia
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About Ricardo
Ricardo Marquina is a journalist based in Moscow, Russia.

In Russia since 2008, I have worked in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Romania and other Eastern European countries.

I produce complete TV packages, from pre-production, filming to editing.
English Spanish French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Arts & Books Natural Disasters

Russian Peace Activists Brace for More Repressions Ahead of March Elections

14 Dec 2023  |  voanews.com
Russian peace activists are experiencing increased restrictions on freedom of expression as the presidential elections approach and the conflict with Ukraine continues. The case of Aleksandra Skochilenko, a lesbian peace activist facing a 10-year prison sentence for her anti-war stance, is highlighted as an example of the repression.

Latvia’s Russian Minority Struggles With a Changing World

01 Oct 2023  |  www.voanews.com
Latvia, an EU country with the largest Russian minority, sees its ethnic Russians, who make up about 25% of the population, deeply affected by the war in Ukraine. The conflict has caused significant political and social upheaval for this community.

The war in Ukraine has increased Romania's strategic importance

21 Jul 2023  |  voaturkce.com
Romania, sharing a border with Ukraine, has become one of the European countries most exposed to the war and a key NATO member supplying arms to Kyiv. Despite aiding Ukraine, Romania still faces challenges due to its tumultuous historical relations with Kyiv.

Moldova Intensifies Push to Join EU

31 May 2023  |  voanews.com
Moldova is hosting a summit of EU leaders to advance its bid for integration into the European Union, a move that has both strong supporters and opponents.

Ukraine War Prompts Latvia to Re-Think Its Defenses

20 Apr 2023  |  www.voanews.com
With Russian troops occupying a significant portion of Ukrainian territory, Latvia is reorganizing its defenses, including revitalizing its volunteer force and considering the reinstatement of its draft system. This move reflects the heightened security concerns among Russia's Baltic neighbors in response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Russian and Belarusian emigrants prepare for another year in Lithuania

17 Apr 2023  |  Glas Amerike
Noize MC, a popular Russian musician critical of the Kremlin, has sought asylum in Lithuania along with his family, with no immediate plans to return home without significant systemic changes. Belarusian dissidents have also fled to Lithuania, escaping repression from Alexander Lukashenko's regime, which has imprisoned over 1,400 political prisoners since the 2020 protests. Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, in exile in Vilnius, expressed fears of Lukashenko joining the war against Ukraine, contrary to the will of the Belarusian people. A theater in Vilnius, which has provided refuge for Russian and Belarusian actors, faces criticism for using the Russian language in performances. Lithuania has banned Russians with EU tourist visas from entering since the war's start but remains open to political refugees. Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte reaffirms the country's welcome to those in complex situations due to their moral and political views.

Russia suffers the economic impact of the war with product shortages and rising prices

24 Feb 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Russia is experiencing significant economic repercussions from the ongoing war, characterized by product shortages and rising prices.

A Year into War, Russia’s Exiled Journalists Have Few Hopes

22 Feb 2023  |  www.voanews.com
Following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, independent journalists faced increased repression, leading many to flee to Latvia. A year later, exiled Russian journalists in Riga hold little hope of returning to their country to continue their profession.

Fear of Russia Drives Some in Estonia to Question Integration

25 Oct 2022  |  voanews.com
Estonia is increasingly concerned about Russian aggression as it escalates attacks in Ukraine. The presence of a significant Russian-speaking population in Estonia and the influence of Russian propaganda through media are sources of internal concern for the country.

Estonian Volunteers Train for a Day They Hope Will Never Come

13 Oct 2022  |  www.voanews.com
In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Estonia's civil society, including volunteer groups like the Estonian Defense League, is mobilizing due to concerns that Russia could potentially target other ex-Soviet republics. The Estonian Defense League is actively training, preparing for a scenario they hope to avoid.

Facing the Danger of War

23 Feb 2022  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Russian troops on Ukrainian soil have increased the risk of a total war between Kiev and Moscow. Thousands of displaced people from the Luhansk and Donetsk regions are crossing the border into Russia to escape the potential conflict.

Russia uses media as a weapon amid the crisis

22 Feb 2022  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
After nearly two months of heightened alert over a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, Moscow announces the withdrawal of some units and expresses willingness to negotiate with NATO. However, doubts remain due to the uncertainty surrounding Vladimir Putin's true intentions.

TV Journalists Face 3 Years in Prison for Reporting on Belarus Protests

09 Feb 2021  |  www.voanews.com
Two Belarusian journalists from the Polish TV channel Belsat, Yekaterina Andreeva and Darya Chultsova, are on trial in Minsk for their coverage of the 2020 protests against President Alexander Lukashenko. They face up to three years in prison on charges of coordinating the protests through live broadcasts, which they deny. International human rights organizations, including the Committee to Protect Journalists, have condemned their detention and called for their release. The protests erupted after Lukashenko's disputed election victory over opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, leading to a severe government crackdown.

VOA news.

"Children of Bragin" is a documentary about childhood in rural Belarus affected by Chernobyl radiation. Script, camera and edition: Ricardo Marquina

Russian Helicopters to Boost Venezuela's Maduro

30 Apr 2019  |  voanews.com
Russia is preparing to establish a helicopter maintenance base in Venezuela, demonstrating continued economic, political, and military support for Nicolas Maduro's government. Russian officials displayed the aircraft and equipment at a helicopter factory, indicating Moscow's commitment to its allies in Venezuela.

Ricardo's confirmed information

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Verified Dec 2019
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Verified Dec 2019
Dec 2019

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