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Petrus Riski

Surabaya, Indonesia
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About Petrus
Petrus Riski is a journalist based in Surabaya, Indonesia.
I like the coverage of the environmental, socio-cultural and innovation fields.
Covering features and in-depth is my specialty in writing news. I know Surabaya and East Java very well. If you need my ability to cover in the East Java region, I will be very ready. However, I do not rule out the possibility that if I am needed to do coverage outside the East Java region, by providing a detailed description of the task.
Business Politics Technology

Expert: For Guaranteeing Freedom of Religion and Belief, an Inclusive Citizenship Approach is Needed

25 Mar 2024  |  voaindonesia.com
Zainal Abidin Bagir, a lecturer at Universitas Gajah Mada and director of the Indonesia Consortium for Religious Studies, discusses the ambiguity in advocating for freedom of religion and belief in Indonesia, which can lead to public unrest. He highlights the judicialization of religious conflicts, using legal reasons, including blasphemy issues. Renata Arianingtyas, Director of The Asia Foundation, notes that the reformation period brought about economic and political crises, as well as opportunities for regional autonomy and significant sectarian conflicts between 1999 and 2004. She points out that the state remains a primary actor in recurring social conflicts, followed by societal groups with regional and social identities. Both experts agree that advocacy efforts for religious freedom have been extensive, including dialogue and cooperation with the government, and that a variety of advocacy approaches are necessary.

Anticipating Climate Change, Government Prepares Food Production Buffer Zones

07 Mar 2024  |  voaindonesia.com
The Indonesian government is preparing buffer zones for national food production outside Java to ensure food availability amidst the climate crisis. Budi Waryanto from the National Food Agency mentioned potential areas in Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Papua. The discussion highlighted recent food price spikes in Indonesia, influenced by climate change and geopolitical tensions. Experts emphasized the need for climate literacy among farmers, appropriate technology access, and the revival of local wisdom in planting patterns to combat climate change impacts on food production.

Antibiotic Resistance, Nearly 75% of ICU Patients Cannot Be Saved

04 Dec 2023  |  voaindonesia.com
Approximately 70-75% of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) die due to bacterial resistance to antibiotics, with global deaths from antimicrobial resistance reaching 1.27 million. Harry Parathon, Chair of the Antimicrobial Resistance Control Committee, revealed these figures during a discussion in Surabaya. He emphasized the need to correct 70-80% of antibiotic prescriptions in Indonesia, as misuse and overuse are prevalent. The World Health Organization is currently assessing the global issue of inappropriate antibiotic use. The public is advised to avoid treating antibiotics as a cure-all and to use them wisely to prevent an era where diseases are untreatable by any antibiotics.

Muhammadiyah Student Association Holds Solidarity Action for Palestine

07 Nov 2023  |  www.voaindonesia.com
Hundreds of protesters from the Muhammadiyah Student Association in East Java held a solidarity action for Palestine in front of the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya, demanding an end to Israeli military aggression and U.S. military support for Israel. The protest, led by Ali Mustain, called for the expulsion of the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia. International relations expert Probo Darono Yakti highlighted the ongoing global support for Palestine and the challenges posed by the UN Security Council's veto power and the unstable political situation in Israel. Despite the tensions, Probo does not foresee a larger war involving major powers like China or Russia.

BMKG Says Bawean Earthquake Triggered by Fault Activity Energy Release

05 Oct 2023  |  www.voaindonesia.com
The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported two significant earthquakes in Bawean, with magnitudes of 5.9 and 6.5, followed by 64 aftershocks. Daryono, Head of the Earthquake and Tsunami Center, explained that the shallow crustal earthquakes were caused by energy release from fault activity and brittle rock conditions. He emphasized the importance of awareness and preparedness in tectonically active regions. Acting Head of Technical Seismology, Setyoajie Prayoedhie, mentioned that a team has been dispatched to conduct macroseismic and microseismic surveys to assess damage, risk, and potential future earthquakes, aiding in building design improvements and emergency planning.

IKOHI Launches Film on Victims of Forced Disappearance in 1998, Hopes Young Generation Will Not Forget

01 Oct 2023  |  www.voaindonesia.com
IKOHI, in collaboration with #kawanhermanbimo, launched a documentary film titled 'Yang (Tak Pernah) Hilang' that tells the story of two Surabaya students who disappeared during the May 1998 Reformasi movement. The initiative aims to ensure that the younger generation does not forget these historical events.

Conservation of Water Catchment Areas to Preserve Groundwater in Indonesia

16 May 2023  |  VOA Indonesia
Mountainous upstream areas in Indonesia, crucial for groundwater replenishment, face threats from land-use changes. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) notes 421 groundwater basins across Indonesia, with over 100 billion cubic meters of water. Unregulated groundwater extraction poses risks, particularly in Java's urban areas. Conservation requires understanding the source and container of groundwater, with reforestation in recharge areas and volcanic rock formations serving as natural reservoirs. Indonesia's volcanic geography and tropical climate offer abundant, high-quality groundwater resources. Stakeholders, including the public, industries, and organizations like Danone Indonesia, emphasize the importance of preserving groundwater through responsible usage and conservation efforts.

Indonesian Human Rights Commission Reminds Election Commission to Accommodate Voting Rights of Vulnerable Groups

08 Apr 2023  |  voaindonesia.com
Saurlin P. Siagan of Komnas HAM visited regions in Indonesia, including Jawa Timur, to remind the Election Commission (KPU) to ensure that vulnerable groups are accommodated in the 2024 elections by registering them as voters. Nine groups were identified, including people with disabilities, detainees, domestic workers, and others. Recommendations will be made to prevent incidents like the nearly 900 election worker deaths in the 2019 elections. KPU's Nurul Amalia mentioned steps taken, such as special polling stations. Social observer Surokim Abdussalam from Universitas Trunojoyo encouraged new approaches to maximize participation, including mobile polling stations for hard-to-reach voters.

World Water Day: The Condition of Rivers in Indonesia is Concerning

13 Mar 2023  |  www.voaindonesia.com
The Nusantara River Expedition team found microplastics in 68 strategic national rivers across five provinces in Indonesia, with the Brantas River in East Java being the most contaminated. The contamination is attributed to industrial and domestic waste, highlighting poor waste management and low public awareness. The findings call for urgent river revitalization and supportive policies. The River Affairs Research Agency, comprising students from various universities in East Java, demands concrete actions from local governments, particularly the East Java Provincial Government, to address the severe pollution in the Brantas River.

Ahead of G20, Indonesia Ensures Readiness for Energy Transition

17 Oct 2022  |  www.voaindonesia.com
Indonesia is preparing for an energy transition to address climate change and achieve net zero emissions, especially in light of the global energy supply crisis due to the Russia-Ukraine war. PT. Kilang Pertamina Internasional is advancing biodiesel production from waste cooking oil and palm oil mill effluent, aiming to double its capacity and reduce CO2 emissions. PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy is also increasing its geothermal electricity production, contributing to the renewable energy mix. An international meeting in Bali reflects Indonesia's commitment to a greener energy transition, with the government targeting net zero emissions by 2060.

Expert: To Avoid Potential Harassment, Children Need Digital Literacy

10 Oct 2022  |  www.voaindonesia.com
Research by ECPAT, UNICEF, and Interpol reveals that children in Indonesia aged 12-17 are targets of online sexual exploitation and harassment. Although Indonesia has one of the lowest rates in the Asia Pacific, the actual number of cases is likely higher due to underreporting. The perpetrators are often known to the victims, using platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook. Nahar from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection emphasizes the importance of digital literacy and safe online interactions for children, along with the need for parental guidance and stricter legal actions against online sexual crimes.

Officials Criticized for Failing to Anticipate Kanjuruhan Riot, Activists Indicate Human Rights Violations

04 Oct 2022  |  www.voaindonesia.com
The article discusses the criticism faced by officials for failing to anticipate the riot at Kanjuruhan Stadium, which resulted in the deaths of at least 131 people. Activists, including Sonya Claudia Siwu from Pusham Ubaya and Andy Irfan Junaidi from KontraS, highlight the lack of proper anticipation and human rights approach by the authorities. They call for restitution for the victims and the formation of an independent team to investigate the incident. President Joko Widodo has ordered compensation for the victims' families, and the government has formed an independent fact-finding team led by Mahfud MD.

Heavy Sanctions Await Arema, International Matches to Continue

02 Oct 2022  |  www.voaindonesia.com
The Secretary General of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), Yunus Nusi, announced heavy sanctions against Arema FC following a riot after their match against Persebaya Surabaya, which resulted in at least 120 deaths. Sanctions may include banning Arema from playing in their home city. An investigation is ongoing, with regular reports to FIFA and other relevant parties. Despite the suspension of Liga 1, international matches will proceed as scheduled. The National Police have dispatched medical teams to assist victims, and efforts are underway to identify and return the deceased to their families. The incident has prompted President Joko Widodo to order an evaluation of football match security procedures and a thorough investigation.

NU and Muhammadiyah Call for Vigilance Against Identity Politicization

05 Sep 2022  |  www.voaindonesia.com
Yahya Cholil Staquf, the head of Nahdlatul Ulama, urges all layers of society to strengthen national unity and brotherhood to prevent conflict arising from differences. He warns political actors against using identity differences, especially religion, as a tool for power in the 2024 elections. Haedar Nashir, the head of Muhammadiyah, warns against the dangers of intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism, which can stem from ideologies beyond religion, including regionalism. Both leaders emphasize the importance of maintaining democracy and rejecting efforts to damage Indonesia.


Combating Hoaxes and Behavioral Changes, Efforts to Overcome the COVID-19 Pandemic

27 Jun 2021  |  VOA Indonesia
Efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia include addressing the spread of health-related hoaxes and encouraging behavioral changes among the public. Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia (Mafindo) in Surabaya, represented by Diana Dewi, highlighted the challenge of misinformation through various communication media. Dr. Heri Munajib emphasized the need for trusted figures like religious leaders to help educate the public. Dr. Risma Ikawaty from Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya) warned about new COVID-19 variants and stressed the importance of vaccinations and health protocols. Drg. Fitria Dewi from the East Java Provincial Health Office underscored the necessity of behavioral change communication to break the chain of transmission.

President Condemns Acts of Terrorism and Orders National Police Chief to Thoroughly Dismantle Terrorist Networks

13 May 2018  |  www.voaindonesia.com
President Joko Widodo condemned the terrorist attacks in Surabaya, which resulted in at least 13 deaths and 41 hospitalizations. The suicide bombings occurred at three churches: Santa Maria Catholic Church, Indonesian Christian Church (GKI), and Surabaya Central Pentecostal Church. The President labeled the attacks as crimes against humanity unrelated to any religion and lamented the use of children in the bombings. After visiting the sites and hospitals, he ordered the National Police Chief to investigate and dismantle the terrorist networks. Police Chief Tito Karnavian identified six family members as the perpetrators, linked to the Jemaah Ansarul Daulah cell associated with ISIS. He also called for the acceleration of the Anti-Terrorism Bill's approval or the issuance of a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) to optimize the handling of terrorism.

In East Java, Statue of Chinese God Stirs Controversy

07 Aug 2017  |  www.voanews.com
Dozens of people from East Java community organizations rallied in Surabaya, demanding the demolition of a statue of the Chinese god Kwan Sing Tee Koen, claiming it fails to reflect Indonesian culture. The statue, located at the Kwan Seng Bio temple in Tuban, East Java, has sparked controversy amid rising religious tensions in Indonesia. Local Chinese Indonesians argue the statue symbolizes loyalty and justice, not war. The protest coincides with broader religious and political issues in Indonesia, including the imprisonment of Jakarta's former governor Basuki 'Ahok' Purnama and the banning of the group Hizbut Tahrir by President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo.

Leader of Indonesia's Largest Muslim Group Calls for Secular Nation

21 May 2017  |  www.voanews.com
K.H. Said Aqil Siradj, chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, the world's largest Islamic organization, called for the reinforcement of secular values in Indonesia at an interfaith dialog in Surabaya. This comes after Jakarta's recent election, which saw a rise in religious tensions and the victory of Anies Baswedan, who was supported by Islamic hard-liners. Said Aqil Siradj emphasized Indonesia's founding principle of 'Unity in Diversity' and the Pancasila, which are at odds with the growing movement to implement Sharia law. Other religious and community leaders supported his stance, advocating for the preservation of Indonesia's diverse cultural and religious heritage.

Indonesian Province Hosts Anti-Islamic State Workshop

21 Apr 2015  |  voanews.com
Thousands of East Java government officials attended a workshop in Surabaya discussing the threats of Islamic State and other radical groups. Islamic group Muhammadiyah's chairman, Din Syamsuddin, and theologist Quraish Shihab highlighted the non-religious, radical political nature of ISIS and its tarnishing effect on Islam's peaceful image. The workshop concluded with an anti-IS declaration, urging readiness against IS threats and promoting public understanding of radical ideologies. Indonesia plans to revoke citizenship of Indonesians who joined IS, opposing the country's pluralist ideology, Pancasila.

Indonesians Decry Shooting of Anti-Corruption Activist

22 Jan 2015  |  www.voanews.com
Activists in Bangkalan, Indonesia, protested the shooting of anti-corruption activist Mathur Husairi, urging a thorough police investigation. The attack, believed to be linked to Mathur's criticism of local officials, has led to calls for justice and support for his recovery. Police have questioned witnesses but have yet to determine a motive.

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