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Nicole Kolster

Caracas, Venezuela
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About Nicole
Nicole Kolster is a multimedia journalist based in Caracas- Venezuela, who has reported for top news stations throughout North and South America. She has 11 years of experience in Venezuela producing and reporting on politics, the economy and social matters, both for breaking news and features.

She has been a correspondent in Caracas for Voice of America (US), NTN24 (Colombia), among others.  She has also contributed with BBC Mundo. 

Ms. Kolster has received awards and recognitions for her work, such as the Inter-American Press Association Award in the category of Internet News Coverage.
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Politics Current Affairs Investigative Reporting

United States and China Address Concerns Over Excess Production and Security Issues

08 Apr 2024  |  www.hechoencalifornia1010.com
U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen visited China, focusing on concerns about China's 'excess capacity' in production, which has impacted global markets, including the U.S. Yellen and Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng discussed these issues, with Yellen also meeting Prime Minister Li Qiang to reinforce dialogue despite differences. China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, during a visit to Paris, dismissed U.S. and European accusations of 'excess capacity' as unfounded. Both countries agreed to continue discussions on production capacity. Yellen also had 'difficult conversations' about national security, warning China against military support for Russia and discussing economic measures for national security. Yun Sun from the Stimson Center viewed Yellen's visit positively, noting the expression of U.S. concerns and testing China's reaction, but did not expect China to change its growth model soon.

Venezuelans express their views on the election call

06 Mar 2024  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
On the eve of the announcement of the much-anticipated date for the presidential election in Venezuela, Voz de América took to the streets of Caracas to gather the opinions of voters.

Venezuela: Majority Parliament to Propose 27 Dates for Presidential Elections

28 Feb 2024  |  Voz de América
The Venezuelan Parliament, dominated by the ruling party, will propose at least 27 dates for presidential elections to the National Electoral Council (CNE), as part of a consensus document signed on Wednesday. The document is seen as a development of the Barbados Agreement, which aims for competitive presidential elections in the second half of 2024. The proposal includes electoral guarantees and a regulatory proposal for social media during campaigns. The opposition's Plataforma Unitaria did not participate in the act. The CNE has not yet revealed an election date or calendar. The United States reimposed sanctions on Venezuela following the disqualification of opposition presidential candidate María Corina Machado. The Venezuelan Parliament initiated a consultation and proposed an election schedule with a group of presidential pre-candidates. Venezuela remains the only Latin American country without a concrete presidential election date for 2024. The electoral law and constitution do not specify the election date, only the start of the presidential term on January 10, 2025. The electoral registry's update and international observation are also key elements, with at least 1.3 million young Venezuelans abroad needing to register to vote. Machado's campaign maintains adherence to the Barbados Agreement and asserts her victory regardless of the election date. The government and the Plataforma Unitaria have accused each other of violating agreements.

Protests in Venezuela to ask Maduro for better wages, pensions, and working conditions

16 Jan 2024  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
On January 9, impoverished educators, workers, and retirees from the public administration protested in various states of Venezuela demanding higher wages and better working conditions in a country experiencing one of the highest inflation rates in the world and a recurring crisis.

Argentina: controversy in the LGBTQ+ community about how Milei's government could impact them

02 Jan 2024  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Young LGBTQ+ activists in Argentina express various viewpoints on how the policies of Javier Milei's government could impact their community. Argentina is recognized as a pioneer in promoting LGBTQ+ rights, especially in Latin America.

The Venezuelan Economy in 2023: From Recovery to Stagnation

31 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Venezuela's economy, which showed signs of recovery in 2022, faced significant setbacks in 2023 due to a major corruption scandal involving the state oil company PDVSA. The scandal led to a severe economic downturn, with a 7% contraction in the first half of the year and a significant drop in consumer demand. Despite a slight deceleration in inflation, the economy remains stagnant, with high inflation rates and frozen wages. The easing of U.S. sanctions on Venezuela's oil and gas sector is seen as a potential long-term benefit, but immediate improvements are unlikely without substantial investments. Key figures such as Nicolás Maduro and Tarek El Aissami are highlighted in the context of economic mismanagement and corruption.

Venezuelan Government Begins to Release Political Prisoners After Negotiations with the US

20 Dec 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
Following negotiations with the United States, the Venezuelan government under President Nicolás Maduro has begun releasing individuals considered political prisoners, including Roberto Abdul, president of Súmate, and six union leaders. The releases were unexpected by the activists, who initially thought they were being transferred. The six activists had been detained since July of the previous year and were sentenced to 16 years in prison for 'conspiracy' and 'association to commit crimes.' Civil society organizations have reported irregularities in the detentions, and the International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela has highlighted ongoing human rights violations in the country. The US government has temporarily lifted some sanctions on the Venezuelan oil sector for six months but has warned that non-compliance with agreements could lead to a reversal of these measures.

Blood, sweat, and tears: Javier Milei brings the far-right to power in Argentina

09 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Javier Milei, a far-right politician and self-described anarcho-capitalist, assumes the presidency of Argentina with a promise to make deep public spending cuts to address a severe economic crisis. Facing an annual inflation rate of 143% and a poverty rate around 40%, Milei plans to implement a 'shock therapy' approach, including privatizations and significant reductions in public spending. Despite his radical campaign promises, such as dismantling the Central Bank and dollarizing the economy, some of his proposals have been moderated. Milei's political party, La Libertad Avanza, holds a minority in Congress, and he will face opposition from the outgoing Peronist party, now the largest force in opposition. The International Monetary Fund has emphasized the need for a strong and politically supported stabilization plan for Argentina.

Venezuela goes to consultative referendum this Sunday on the Esequibo, what implications will it have?

03 Dec 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
On December 3, the Maduro government seeks to 'reaffirm' its claim over the Esequibo territory through a consultative referendum. The Esequibo has been a disputed territory with Guyana for over a century. Nicole Kolster from Voz de América provides an explanation of the situation.

What has happened in Venezuela after the opposition primaries?

26 Oct 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
Over two million Venezuelans voted in the opposition primaries on Sunday, with María Corina Machado garnering 92.35% of the votes, according to the Comisión Nacional de Primaria.

We are afraid that another bombing could happen: the testimony of a Venezuelan stranded with his family in Israel

09 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
José Sebastián Manrique, a 30-year-old Venezuelan, was on a vacation tour in Jerusalem, Israel, with his family when they were caught in the midst of Hamas' largest attack against Israel in years, resulting in hundreds of deaths and hostages. Initially unaware of the severity, they continued their tour until being sent to their hotel by the Ministry of Tourism. Stranded, they rented a bunker in Tel Aviv through Airbnb and are pressing to leave Israel, with flights from various airlines, including Manrique's Iberia flight, canceled. The Venezuelan government has expressed concern but has not announced any evacuation efforts. Manrique and his family, who had planned the trip four months in advance, are now without money and fearful of further bombings.

Scammed and Impoverished: The Harsh Reality of Retired Oil Workers in Venezuela

02 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Retired oil workers in Venezuela, including Wilmer Medina and Joel Jesús, are protesting against Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) for not paying their due pensions. Despite dedicating decades to the industry, retirees receive only a fraction of their entitled pensions, leading to severe financial hardships. The protest, which includes a hunger strike, highlights the retirees' feelings of being scammed and abandoned by the once-powerful oil company. The situation underscores the broader economic and corruption issues plaguing Venezuela.

Maritime Exports from Venezuela to Curaçao: Between Challenges and Hope

“My time in prison did not determine my future”: the social reintegration of a woman in Venezuela with rugby

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Mildred Álvarez, who was sentenced to six years in prison in Venezuela for extortion, shares her journey of social reintegration through rugby. Despite her conviction, which she claims was unjust, Mildred found solace and purpose in the Proyecto Alcatraz, a social reintegration program by Fundación Santa Teresa. She played a pivotal role in forming the first female prison rugby team and now works as an ambassador for the foundation. Her story highlights the transformative power of sports and social programs in providing new opportunities and hope for former inmates.

Venezuelans vote with low turnout in referendum on the Esequibo

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Approximately 20.6 million Venezuelans were called to vote in a referendum on the Esequibo, but many voting centers in Caracas experienced low voter turnout, as observed by VOA journalists.

Athletes with Disabilities in Venezuela: 'The Limitation is in the Mind'

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
The article highlights the inspiring stories of Venezuelan athletes with disabilities who have overcome significant physical challenges to continue participating in sports, particularly softball. Anderson Calderón, who lost his hand in an accident, and Aníbal Martínez, who lost four fingers and later his vision in one eye, both found new purpose and success with the 'Bandidos de un solo brazo' team. Jaime Piñate, born without a hand, also shares his journey of defying societal expectations. The narrative underscores the message that mental resilience can overcome physical limitations.

Robotics in Venezuela and the Desire of Children to Cross the Panama Canal

01 Oct 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
In Venezuela, students like Stefhanie Lúquez and Gerardo Urdaneta are diving into the world of robotics with aspirations to compete in the World Robotics Olympiad in Panama. Despite the country's educational challenges, including dilapidated schools and a lack of resources, initiatives by the Centro de Innovación Educativa (CIED) and the Universidad Católica de Venezuela (UCAB) are providing opportunities for these young innovators. The article highlights the students' determination and the need for greater political support to enhance technological education in the country.

Five Key Points of María Corina Machado's Political Project, Presidential Candidate in Venezuela

29 Sep 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
María Corina Machado, a potential presidential candidate in Venezuela, promises to dismantle socialism and move towards a liberal republic if she comes to power. Her political project includes privatizing public companies, establishing economic order, and seeking international financing. She plans to engage with multilateral organizations like the IMF and the Inter-American Development Bank for funding public sector investments in health and education, and to restructure public debt. Machado also aims to privatize the oil industry, specifically PDVSA, in an orderly fashion, and reduce the size of the state to focus on essential services. She envisions Venezuela as the Energy Hub of the Americas through a transparent privatization process.

Wrongly called 'drunkard's drink', cocuy fights against stigma in Venezuela

06 Sep 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
Cocuy, a traditional Venezuelan agave-based spirit similar to Mexican mezcal, is overcoming its negative reputation in Venezuela. Producers like María Durán and José de Luca from Magno Cocuy are working to elevate the drink's status, which was once associated with poverty and drunkenness. Despite the challenges, cocuy is gaining international recognition, with Magno Cocuy winning awards at the New York International Spirits Competition. Efforts are underway to expand the Denomination of Controlled Origin (DOC) nationwide and to promote semi-industrial and industrial production through new legislation. The industry aims to become a source of national pride and a significant contributor to Venezuela's economy.

Venezuelan credit cards only 'good for unlocking a door if it gets jammed': economist

From Africa to Venezuela: How does Sahara sand end up in the Médanos de Coro?

22 Aug 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
The Médanos de Coro, a small desert in Venezuela, accumulates vast amounts of sand, some of which originates from the Sahara Desert in Africa. This phenomenon occurs annually as massive amounts of sand are lifted into the atmosphere by the trade winds and deposited across the Atlantic. Venezuelan geographer Rafael Ruano explains that the accumulation is facilitated by the region's scarce rainfall and contributions from marine currents. Despite the dynamic nature of the Médanos, with dunes constantly moving, Ruano believes they are unlikely to disappear unless there is a catastrophic change in atmospheric wind circulation.

How did Nicolás Maduro's government end up as an enemy of the Communist Party of Venezuela?

17 Aug 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Analysts consulted by VOA agree that the conflict between the Communist Party of Venezuela and Nicolás Maduro's government, which has been ongoing for some time, has escalated following the intervention of the party by the Supreme Court, which is aligned with the official government line.

Mom and Mommy: Privilege and Challenges of Children from Homoparental Families in Venezuela

26 Jul 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
In Venezuela, a traditionally conservative country without laws recognizing same-sex marriage or homoparental families, Geraldine Trujillo and Samaira Patiño, a lesbian couple, share their experience of raising their daughter Aliana. Despite legal challenges, such as having to register Aliana as the child of a single mother to avoid bureaucratic obstacles, the couple emphasizes the privilege and planning involved in their journey. The article highlights the lack of legal protection for homoparental families in Venezuela, despite a 2008 Supreme Court ruling that does not prohibit same-sex unions and a 2016 determination that homoparental families should have protection. The National Assembly has not yet legislated on marriage equality, and the government and opposition ignore the issue. The article also touches on the discrimination faced by homoparental families in education and health, as reported by Quiteria Franco of the NGO Unión Afirmativa.

Venezuelan children on their way to the Robotics World Cup in Panama design a scale model of the Canal

24 Jul 2023  |  lawebdelasalud.com
For the first time, Venezuelan children and youth will participate in a robotics world championship, with preliminary local tournaments serving as a testing ground for their skills. Stefhanie Lúquez, 16, is among those aiming to represent Venezuela at the World Robotics Olympiad in Panama this November. Despite the public education crisis in Venezuela, with many schools lacking basic resources, the Centro de Innovación Educativa at the Universidad Católica de Venezuela is supporting these students by providing robotics kits and computers. Assaf Yamin, a consultant at CIED, emphasizes the need for more political will to promote such subjects within the educational system. The students are currently focused on constructing a robot that can precisely and quickly move a ship to a designated area, a challenge that mirrors the operations of the Panama Canal they are emulating.

Venezuelan-style Chinese Rice, Migration, and Flavor Reproduction

13 Jul 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Venezuelan-style Chinese rice is a culinary adaptation created by Cantonese immigrants in Venezuela, blending traditional Chinese cooking with local tastes. The dish has undergone modifications such as darker soy sauce and substituting chicken or pork with ham. Venezuelan gastronomy expert Miro Popic and anthropologist Ocarina Castillo discuss the dish's evolution and its significance among Venezuelan migrants abroad. Aneuclis Campos, owner of Apetitos Delivery in Caracas, shares her experience starting the business during the pandemic and the importance of high-heat cooking for the dish's distinct flavor.

The task of inspiring girls in vulnerable areas of Venezuela

29 Jun 2023  |  vozdeamerica.com
Inspiring Girls, an NGO operating in 30 countries, is working to change the perception of girls and adolescents in vulnerable areas of Venezuela who often see their future limited to caregiving or domestic work. The organization's director in Venezuela, Meily Chang, highlights the structural crisis affecting the country and how it shapes the girls' views of their future. With many young girls taking on responsibilities due to parents migrating, Inspiring Girls aims to boost their professional ambitions through talks and sharing success stories of women engineers. The NGO notes a 30% loss in self-confidence among girls between the ages of 8 and 14, and emphasizes the importance of self-confidence. The article also mentions Venezuela's low rate of female labor participation as reported by the Inter-American Development Bank.

Tamara Adrián, Transgender Candidate for President of Venezuela Seeking to Break a 'Glass Ceiling'

20 Jun 2023  |  www.vozdeamerica.com
Tamara Adrián, a 69-year-old transgender lawyer and former parliamentarian, has officially announced her candidacy for the Venezuelan presidency, aiming to become the first transgender woman to run for this office in a deeply conservative country. Despite limited resources and support, Adrián is determined to prioritize Venezuela's transition to democracy over a specific transgender agenda. She does not align with traditional left or right political categories, instead advocating for maximum economic development with social inclusion. Adrián is supported by Unidos por la Dignidad, a movement that represents various minority groups. She acknowledges the challenges ahead, including skepticism about the National Electoral Council, but remains committed to creating a broad coalition necessary for change.

The 16-year-old who became the teacher of her neighborhood during the school closures

15 Feb 2021  |  www.bbc.com
Valeria Torres, a 16-year-old Venezuelan, became an impromptu teacher for her cousins and neighbors in Maracay during the COVID-19 school closures. Without access to internet or televised lessons, Valeria improvised a classroom in her home, assisting students aged 4 to 16 with their education. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the resumption of in-person classes with safety measures, as the country received 100,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine. The distance education system, which relies on online and pre-recorded TV classes, has been criticized for its ineffectiveness, especially given Venezuela's poor internet service and economic crisis. Valeria, who aspires to study law, uses a cellphone with limited internet access to research and complete assignments, sometimes receiving small financial contributions from parents of the children she helps.

Living like in the Stone Age: The return to wood-burning stoves due to gas shortages in the interior of the country

13 Jan 2021  |  www.bbc.com
Venezuela, once a rich oil-producing country, is now facing severe shortages of gas and gasoline, forcing residents like Kira Pimentel in Maracay to cook with wood. The crisis is attributed to the decline of the energy sector, with the state oil company PDVSA's deterioration and the impact of US sanctions according to President Nicolás Maduro, while the opposition blames corruption and mismanagement. The industrial and agricultural region of Aragua has seen a dramatic reduction in operational businesses, and residents are struggling to make ends meet, with some resorting to selling traditional food or buying gas at exorbitant black market prices. The government has proposed a 'plan leña' to provide wood for cooking to avoid deforestation, highlighting the severity of the situation.

In 2015, floods Package. Apure, Venezuela. By Nicole Kolster.

Live report by Nicole Kolster. Caracas, Venezuela. Opposition protests. 2017. Chanel NTN24 Colombia

Live report by nicole Kolster in 2017. Opposition protests. Caracas, Venezuela. Channel RCN Televisión - Colombia. 2017.

The 27 Venezuelans deported from Trinidad and Tobago who had to be returned and are now detained

25 Nov 2020  |  www.bbc.com
Twenty-seven Venezuelans, including 16 children, were deported from Trinidad and Tobago but had to be returned after their boat failed, leaving them adrift for 48 hours. Upon return, they were detained, and their situation has raised human rights concerns. David Smolansky of the OAS and attorney Nafeesa Mohammed confirmed their detention. Trinidad and Tobago's Prime Minister Keith Rowley accused OAS officials of using the children for political purposes, while National Security Minister Stuart Young defended the deportations. The UN Human Rights Office and the IACHR have expressed concern and called for the protection of the migrants' rights.

After leaving Venezuela, this father will vote for Trump, and one of his sons, for Biden

22 Oct 2020  |  CNN
The U.S. political climate has created a sense of déjà-vu for Venezuelan-Americans, reminiscent of the political fractures experienced in Venezuela. Families are divided, with some supporting Trump and others Biden. Joaquín Pérez, a naturalized U.S. citizen who opposed Chávez in Venezuela, will vote for Biden, while his son Alberto will vote for Trump. Despite agreeing on similarities between Trump and Chávez, they have different conclusions about the implications. The Venezuelan-American community in Florida is closely watched by both candidates, with Trump's administration taking a hard stance against Maduro's government. Joaquín hopes for a Biden presidency that would engage in dialogue, while Alberto supports Trump's economic message and pressure on Venezuela. The Venezuelan-American vote is seen as pivotal in the upcoming U.S. elections, with both candidates seeking their support.

'If Venezuela changes, I would like to return': the story of the double immigrant who left Syria, thrived in Venezuela and now in the U.S. fears deportation

28 Sep 2020  |  www.bbc.com
Amira, a pseudonym to protect her identity due to her immigration status, is a Syrian woman who immigrated to Venezuela at the age of three and later moved to the United States in 2015 with her two teenage children. In Venezuela, she was a successful businesswoman but had to reinvent herself multiple times due to the country's economic crisis. In the U.S., she works as a truck driver and faces the fear of deportation, which could affect her children's future. Despite the challenges, Amira is determined to provide for her family and is open to moving to Canada if necessary.

The lucrative business of those who help cross closed borders to return to Venezuela

09 Sep 2020  |  www.bbc.com
Thousands of Venezuelans, who had left their country due to the crisis and became unemployed due to the pandemic, are desperate to return home. With Venezuela's airports closed since March and limited access through the Colombia-Venezuela border, an illegal market and corruption have flourished. People pay bribes to cut in line or purchase travel packages that bypass quarantine protocols. David Smolansky of the OEA criticizes the violation of citizens' rights to return to their birth country. The Venezuelan government has set up quarantine shelters, which have been described as unsanitary and extortionate. Despite the challenges, some Venezuelans, like Luis, have managed to return home after enduring long waits and difficult conditions.

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