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Florence De Changy

Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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About Florence
Florence de Changy is a journalist based in Hong Kong since 2007 who works mostly in French and English.
She is the correspondent for French daily Le Monde and the French National Radio, Radio France, as well as RFI (Radio France International). She also does TV itws, with F24, TV5, Deutsche Welle...
She has been a journalist in Asia Pacific for the last 25 years, based in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong.
English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Technology Science & Environment

Covid-19: Reopening of borders and return of Chinese visitors worries Hong Kong

10 Apr 2024  |  francetvinfo.fr
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2019 riots, Chinese tourists accounted for over 80% of tourism in Hong Kong, significantly contributing to retail, dining, and hospitality sectors. With the upcoming reopening of Chinese borders by mid-January 2023, there is concern in Hong Kong. The region has seen a surge in Covid cases, and there are worries about Chinese visitors coming to Hong Kong for Western vaccines and medications, which are scarce in China. Hong Kong authorities have assured that residents will have priority access to healthcare and vaccines, with non-residents being able to receive vaccinations for a fee.

In Taiwan, Han Kuo-yu, favorable to closer ties with Beijing, elected president of the Parliament

02 Feb 2024  |  www.lemonde.fr
Han Kuo-yu, a pro-Beijing politician, has been elected president of Taiwan's Parliament with the support of independent deputies and the abstention of the Taiwan People's Party. The Kuomintang now holds 52 seats, while the Democratic Progressive Party holds 51. Han Kuo-yu, known for his rustic yet charismatic persona, emphasized neutrality and governance in his inaugural speech. His election marks a significant return to politics after his 2020 presidential defeat and subsequent removal from the mayoralty of Kaohsiung.

At the 'Hong Kong 47' trial, almost all the pro-democracy opposition was in the dock

06 Dec 2023  |  www.lemonde.fr
The trial of the 'Hong Kong 47', pro-democracy activists involved in the 2020 opposition primary, concluded with closing arguments on December 4 in West Kowloon. Sixteen defendants pleaded not guilty to 'conspiracy to commit subversion' under the National Security Law, facing potential life imprisonment. The verdict is expected in three to four months. The defendants include veteran legislators, a journalist, and citizens who participated in the primaries. Three-quarters of the defendants have been in pre-trial detention since February 2021. The trial, observed by Western diplomats, maintained the customs of Common Law despite being under the new security law. Some defendants pleaded not guilty, believing in their minimal involvement and chance for acquittal, while others who pleaded guilty did so due to lost confidence in the justice system and to benefit from a reduced sentence.

At the 'Hong Kong 47' trial, almost all the pro-democracy opposition was in the dock

06 Dec 2023  |  www.lemonde.fr
The trial of the 'Hong Kong 47' pro-democracy activists concluded with closing arguments in Hong Kong's largest court. Sixteen defendants, including veteran legislators and a journalist, pleaded not guilty to 'conspiracy to commit subversion' under the National Security Law. The trial, marked by heavy security and the presence of Western diplomats, highlighted the erosion of confidence in Hong Kong's justice system among the accused. The verdict is expected in three to four months.

In Hong Kong, the trial of the '47' brought together almost the entire pro-democracy opposition

04 Dec 2023  |  lemonde.fr
The largest trial of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, involving 47 participants of the 2020 opposition primaries, concluded on December 4th at the West Kowloon courthouse. The final plea took place, with a verdict expected within three to four months. Only 16 defendants, who pleaded not guilty to 'conspiracy to commit subversion' under the new national security law imposed by Beijing, were present. Notable defendants included seasoned legislators Lam Cheuk-ting and Leung Kwok-hung, as well as journalist Gwyneth Ho. The trial, conducted under the new security law, still adhered to the traditions of Common Law, and was attended by several Western diplomats.

In Taiwan, the troubled exile of Hong Kongers

05 Jun 2023  |  www.lemonde.fr
In Taipei's Nowhere bookstore, a hub for Hong Kong immigrants, the atmosphere is a stark contrast to the vibrant Ximending district nearby. Hong Kongers in Taiwan, including former journalist Zhang Jieping and writer Mukyu, are experiencing a cultural shock and depression, with many considering leaving due to the unexpected challenges of exile. The situation is set against the backdrop of the 2019 political protests in Hong Kong and the subsequent crackdown on civil liberties, with Taiwan representing the democratic values that Hong Kongers aspire to.

Visit of the Bishop of Hong Kong to Beijing against a backdrop of tensions between the Chinese regime and the Holy See

20 Apr 2023  |  www.lemonde.fr
Stephen Chow, the Bishop of Hong Kong, began a mysterious and speculative five-day visit to Beijing on April 17, nearly thirty years after the last similar visit and amidst recent tensions due to the Chinese government's appointment of bishops without coordination with the Holy See, seemingly breaching the secret bilateral agreements of 2018. The visit occurs in a challenging context for all religions in China and amid tensions or misunderstandings between Beijing and the Vatican. The official mission is to promote exchanges between the Church in China and the universal Church. The Chinese Catholic community is split between those loyal to Rome and the state-controlled 'patriotic' church. Hong Kong, with greater religious freedom, has a 5% Catholic population with disproportionate societal influence, including three of the five heads of the executive since the handover being Catholic.

The Chinese National Anthem Undermined by the 'Glory to Hong Kong' of the 2019 Rebels

20 Apr 2023  |  www.lemonde.fr
A series of incidents where the banned 'Glory to Hong Kong' anthem was mistakenly played instead of the Chinese national anthem during international sports events has caused significant frustration for the Hong Kong government. Despite efforts to correct the issue, including appeals to Google, the problem persisted, highlighting the ongoing tension between pro-democracy supporters and the authorities. The incidents have been met with anger from officials and quiet jubilation from democracy sympathizers.

The phantasmagorical world of Yayoi Kusama is honored in Hong Kong

07 Jan 2023  |  lemonde.fr
The retrospective 'Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to Now' opened on November 12 at the M+ museum in Hong Kong, featuring over 200 works from various collections and three special commissions. The exhibition, marking the first anniversary of M+, showcases Kusama's artistic journey over 77 years, with a focus on themes such as infinity and connectivity. Kusama, known for her polka-dotted pumpkins and red wig, is a celebrated artist in Hong Kong, where her work has fetched record prices.

Scramble in Hong Kong before the reopening of borders with mainland China

01 Jan 2023  |  www.lemonde.fr
Hong Kong is preparing for the reopening of its borders with mainland China after three years of closure due to COVID-19 policies. The region's Chief Executive, John Lee, announced that exchanges between Hong Kong and mainland China would resume before mid-January, following China's reopening on January 8. The isolation had led to a recession in Hong Kong in 2022, but with the easing of entry conditions since September, the economy is showing signs of recovery. Alicia Garcia Herrero, Chief Economist for Asia-Pacific at Natixis, predicts a potential growth of at least 3% for Hong Kong's economy in 2023. Hong Kong, where 93% of the population is vaccinated, mostly with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, is the only area in China offering Western vaccines. The region has historically been a popular destination for mainland Chinese tourists, who made up 80% of local tourists in 2018, but tourism had declined due to the 2019 riots and subsequent border closures.

Hong Kong is in a state of turmoil before reopening its borders with mainland China

01 Jan 2023  |  Le Monde.fr
Hong Kong is preparing to reopen its borders with mainland China after three years of closure, with Chief Executive John Lee announcing the resumption of trade before mid-January. The reopening is expected to aid Hong Kong's economic recovery, as it has been the only Asian economy in recession in 2022. Hong Kong's population is 93% vaccinated, mostly with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is not available in China. Coordination with major southern cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou will be necessary to manage the reopening process.

In Hong Kong, the fantastical world of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama celebrated

26 Dec 2022  |  www.lemonde.fr
The retrospective 'Yayoi Kusama, from 1945 to the present' opened on November 12 at M+, Hong Kong, featuring the renowned Japanese artist's iconic works, including her signature polka-dotted pumpkins. At 93, Kusama is one of the most recognized contemporary artists in Hong Kong, where her works have fetched record prices. The exhibition, marking M+'s first anniversary, showcases over 200 pieces from private and public collections and includes three special commissions. Curators Mika Yoshitake and Doryun Chong have organized the exhibition thematically and chronologically, highlighting Kusama's artistic journey over the past seventy-seven years.

In Hong Kong, the legal troubles of Jimmy Lai illustrate the abuses of local justice

13 Dec 2022  |  lemonde.fr
Jimmy Lai, former head of the opposition press group Next Digital Limited, which published the popular tabloid Apple Daily, faces serious charges under the new national security law imposed by Beijing in Hong Kong. His trial, which could result in life imprisonment for collusion and conspiracy with foreign forces, has been postponed to September 2023. The judges have been selected by the government, and local authorities have tried to prevent Lai from being defended by his chosen lawyer, British barrister Tim Owen. Hong Kong's Chief Executive John Lee has appealed to Beijing to overturn the decision of Hong Kong's highest court, further undermining the already tarnished reputation of Hong Kong's judiciary.

Even from Hong Kong, business trips to China remain an obstacle course

14 Nov 2022  |  www.lemonde.fr
Business trips to China from Hong Kong have become challenging due to COVID-19 restrictions. Pre-pandemic quick trips are now replaced with weeks of waiting for border crossing lotteries and quarantine requirements. Despite recent easing of measures, such as reducing pre-flight testing, travelers like Paul H. and Alec L. face obstacles like overnight stays at airports and the need for patience and perseverance.

Hong Kong, twenty-five years after the handover to China: from the rule of law to the state of fear

02 Sep 2022  |  lemonde.fr
Hong Kong has undergone a significant transformation in less than three years, losing many aspects of its unique identity as a bastion of Anglo-Saxon liberalism and capitalism, nourished by fundamental freedoms and human rights. Despite an incomplete democratization process, Hong Kong was the only part of Chinese territory with a solid rule of law, independent judiciary, political opposition, religious freedom, free press, unrestricted internet access, internationally renowned universities, and open borders. These attributes contributed to its ranking as the world's freest economy for 25 consecutive years. However, as of July 1, 2022, entering the second half of the 50-year crucial period after the handover from the UK to China, Hong Kong has experienced a shift from a sense of freedom to a latent state of fear, with self-censorship in public, at work, on social media, and even in private due to the infiltration of denunciation.

Hong Kong: Cardinal Zen, 90, arrested for 'collusion with foreign forces'

12 May 2022  |  Le Monde.fr
Cardinal Joseph Zen, canto pop star Denise Ho, and human rights lawyer Margaret Ng were arrested in Hong Kong under the national security law imposed by Beijing. They are accused of 'collusion with foreign forces.' The arrests also included Hui Po-keung, a former university lecturer, and are part of a crackdown on the remaining pro-democracy figures in the city. The 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund, which supported protesters from the 2019 demonstrations, has been dissolved. Cardinal Zen, a prominent democracy advocate and former bishop, is known for his moral authority and his support for imprisoned media tycoon Jimmy Lai.

War in Ukraine: people everywhere march with cries of 'Stop Putin'

28 Feb 2022  |  www.lemonde.fr
Following the outbreak of hostilities initiated by Vladimir Putin, hundreds of thousands of people across Europe and the world demonstrated in support of Ukraine on February 26 and 27. Protesters, adorned in the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag, rallied against the war and Putin, with some depicting him with a Hitler-like mustache. In London, amidst a return to normalcy post-COVID-19, thousands gathered at Trafalgar Square, expressing solidarity with Ukraine and calling for an end to Putin's aggression. Personal stories of protesters, such as Oksana Cheremkhivra and Cassia Scott-Jones, highlighted the human impact of the conflict and the frustration with the international response.

Wild boar hunting is open in Hong Kong

06 Jan 2022  |  www.lemonde.fr
Hong Kong authorities have initiated a new strategy to control the wild boar population, which involves culling the most invasive or aggressive animals. This decision follows an increase in complaints and incidents involving wild boars, such as attacks on people and destruction of property. The previous method of capture, sterilization, and relocation was deemed insufficient. The population of wild boars in Hong Kong is officially estimated at 3,000, and the issue has become a significant public safety concern.

In Hong Kong, the immense contemporary art museum M+ finally opens

18 Dec 2021  |  www.lemonde.fr
The M+ Museum, a major contemporary visual arts museum in Hong Kong designed by Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron, has finally opened after years of delays and budget overruns. The museum saw an impressive turnout of 76,000 visitors on its first day and 250,000 in its first month, despite the city's pandemic-induced isolation. The museum features 65,000 square meters of exhibition space and around 8,000 works, aiming to be a leading contemporary art institution in Asia. The opening comes at a challenging time for Hong Kong, with the recent implementation of a national security law raising concerns about artistic freedom.

China: Macao's Dirty Money in the Crosshairs of Central Authorities

02 Dec 2021  |  www.lemonde.fr
Alvin Chau, CEO of Suncity, and four associates were detained in Macao for organizing illegal online gambling and money laundering operations. The arrest followed a warrant from Wenzhou authorities, highlighting China's crackdown on money laundering through gambling. The incident caused significant stock drops for major Macao casinos. Authorities aim to eradicate the influence of 'junkets' linked to criminal activities.

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Verified Jun 2015
Dec 2014

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