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Find a freelance fixer in Porto Alegre

Find a freelance fixer in Porto Alegre

Find experienced professional fixers across Porto Alegre on our platform. Facilitating successful operations, our fixers are key assets for your projects. Project Facilitation: Our fixers in Porto Alegre coordinate every aspect of your project for smooth execution. Location Scouting: Find the perfect scene with our fixers' extensive local knowledge. Permit Acquisition: Navigate Porto Alegre's regulations seamlessly with our fixers' expertise. Local Liaison: Bridge cultural and language barriers with our fixers' local connections. Explore Porto Alegre's professional fixers and ensure your project's success. you can also use our powerful search to find exactly what you are looking for.

Fixers in Porto Alegre

Alexandre De Santi

Porto Alegre, Brazil
I am an experienced freelance writer and editor. I am the autor of "Cura Espiritual: Uma Investigação", a book about spiritual healing, and "Chico Xavier", a biography about the medium Chico Xavier, the most famous religious personality in Brazil. My best work is on science and health. But I´ve Read morewritten about everything: business, music, crime and food. I love good stories, wherever they are. Portuguese native, but I can write in english.
English Portuguese
Feature Stories Content Writing Risk Analysis
Politics Science & Environment Sports
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