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Mustapha Tossa

Paris, France
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About Mustapha
Mustapha Tossa is a journalist based in Paris, France.

Mustapha Tossa est un journaliste franco-marocain né à Marrakech au Maroc le 28 mai 1963.

Il est diplômé de l’Institut supérieur de journalisme à Rabat1 promotion 1986 et du Centre de formation et de perfectionnement des journalistes de Paris.

Il participe en 1988 au lancement du service arabe de Radio France internationale. En 1990, il présente l’émission Rencontres destinée aux communautés d’origines étrangère sur France 3, avant d’effectuer des reportages et de réaliser des documentaires dans le cadre de la série Racines diffusée sur la même chaîne.

Collaborateur de plusieurs médias français, il intègre Monte Carlo Doualiya en 1998 avant d’occuper le poste de rédacteur en chef adjoint en 2000.

Correspondant à Paris de Maroc Hebdo International depuis 1993, il est de avril 2007 à 2011 le correspondant du quotidien marocain francophone Aujourd'hui Le Maroc dans il tenait une rubrique quotidienne sur la politique française.

Il collabore actuellement depuis Paris comme chroniqueur commentateur de l'actualité internationale avec Atlantic Radio, le journal l’Économiste et la chaîne de télévision Medi 1 TV. Il est aussi éditorialiste sur le site d'information AtlasInfo.

Mustapha Tossa parle le français, l’anglais et l’arabe. Il intervient régulièrement sur la chaîne de télévision francophone TV5 Monde, sur France 24 et sur plusieurs chaînes satellitaires arabes pour commenter l’actualité internationale.

Mustapha Tossa tient deux blogs en français et en arabe où il traite de la politique française et internationale à dominance arabe et maghrébine

Il est installé à Paris depuis 1987.

Mustapha Tossa est marié et père d'un garçon prénommé Yassine né le 3 janvier 2011.
Arabic French
Documentaries News Gathering Feature Stories
Current Affairs Fact Checking

In the European elections, the announced triumph of the far right!

22 Mar 2024  |  aujourdhui.ma
The Rassemblement National, led by Jordan Bardella and supported by Marine Le Pen, is predicted to have a bright future in the upcoming European elections due to weakened competition and unclear opposition strategies. The far right's success seems inevitable to the point where political opponents are more concerned with damage control than preventing their triumph.

Macron and the National Rally, a French Ambiguity!

12 Mar 2024  |  atlasinfo.fr
Emmanuel Macron sparked controversy by stating that the National Rally (RN) led by Marine Le Pen and Conquêtes by Eric Zemmour are not part of the 'republican arc', despite previous actions suggesting acceptance of RN. Macron's unexpected criticism of the far-right aims to alarm over their normalization, which has allowed them to gain significant parliamentary presence and aspire to win the presidency in 2027. The Macron administration is also targeting media groups like Vincent Bolloré's, accused of promoting far-right ideology and lacking journalistic ethics. This move comes ahead of the European elections, as part of a strategy to weaken the media influence of the far-right, which is also accused of exacerbating social unrest, such as the growing anger among French farmers. Macron's reminder of the far-right's non-inclusion in the republican arc is an attempt to alert the public to the political and ideological threat they pose to the republic's institutions.

Is Macron's proposal for an international coalition against Hamas feasible?

25 Oct 2023  |  atlasinfo.fr
During his visit to the Middle East, French President Emmanuel Macron proposed an international coalition against Hamas, similar to the coalition against Daesh and Al Qaeda. The idea, announced alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has divided opinions, with some seeing it as consistent with France's support for Israel against terrorism, while others doubt its feasibility due to political instability. The coalition's success against Daesh was due to a broad international consensus, which may not be replicable against Hamas, especially given the reluctance of Arab countries to be seen siding with Israel against Hamas. The Elysee has downplayed the proposal, suggesting it was more about replicating the success against Daesh rather than committing French military participation. Observers note that while the proposal may struggle to materialize, it could have political and symbolic impacts, potentially legitimizing Israel's war against Hamas and excluding the organization from future political negotiations in the Middle East.

Macron's Isolation on Morocco

07 Oct 2023  |  Atlasinfo
French political figures Éric Ciotti and Jean-Luc Mélenchon's visits to Morocco highlight the French political parties' support for Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, contrasting with Emmanuel Macron's ambiguous diplomatic stance. While the majority of French parties, including Les Républicains, the far-right, and the left, support Morocco, the French Communist Party remains sympathetic to the Polisario separatist movement. Macron's strategy appears to have alienated Morocco without gaining Algeria's support, as evidenced by strained relations and difficulties in arranging a visit by Algerian President Abdelmajid Tebboune to Paris.

Macron Forced to Hold a Referendum on Immigration!

08 Sep 2023  |  atlasinfo.fr
Emmanuel Macron is considering a referendum on immigration, a significant concession to the opposition, particularly the right and far-right. Macron had previously reserved referendums for less divisive issues, but immigration has become a pressing topic. The government, led by Élisabeth Borne, failed to present a new immigration law due to lack of majority support, with right-wing parties demanding the removal of articles they believe would lead to mass regularization. Left-wing parties, however, support the government's economic realism but criticize the excessive firmness as demagogic and populist. The referendum could potentially break the political deadlock but also risks further polarizing the country. Immigration is a dominant issue in French politics, heavily influencing the strategies of parties like Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National and Eric Zemmour's Reconquête.

What if Marine Le Pen reached the Elysée?

07 Sep 2023  |  atlasinfo.fr
Recent polls in France show the potential normalization of Marine Le Pen's far-right party, National Rally, making her accession to power a conceivable event. The party's shift from being demonized to acceptable is attributed to Marine Le Pen's strategic distancing from the more extreme Eric Zemmour and her adept handling of her parliamentary group. The French government's focus on immigration, aligning with National Rally's agenda, has inadvertently lent credibility to the party. Media restructuring in France has also contributed to a more favorable portrayal of the far-right. However, Marine Le Pen's assured victory in the next presidential election remains uncertain, as becoming acceptable does not guarantee majority support, with right-wing figures like former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe potentially in contention.

Macron under maximum pressure!

18 Mar 2023  |  atlasinfo.fr
Emmanuel Macron is experiencing one of the most crucial political phases of his second term, facing intense union and political pressure. He chose to use Article 49.3 of the French Constitution to pass the pension reform without a parliamentary vote, a decision that has escalated tensions. The current French climate is highly explosive, with weeks of street protests and a determined parliamentary opposition. Macron's presidency is now challenged by the potential of a censure motion, which, if successful, would invalidate the pension reform passed by 49.3. Macron has threatened to dissolve the National Assembly and call for early legislative elections if the government falls, a risk that may deter some parliamentarians from supporting the censure. Regardless of the outcome, Macron's governance is likely to face reduced public support and potential internal weakening, affecting his reform agenda and international standing.

Macron Agitates the Maghreb!

15 Feb 2023  |  atlasinfo.fr
Despite a longstanding bilateral crisis, Morocco and Algeria lack ambassadors in Paris, raising questions about the future of relations between France and the Maghreb capitals. French President Emmanuel Macron's diplomatic approach, particularly towards Algeria, has been criticized, and his administration's handling of the situation is seen as potentially destabilizing. The article suggests that Macron's focus on historical reconciliation with Algeria may have led to a political myopia, neglecting realistic approaches that could ensure a strong strategic partnership with both Maghreb capitals. The instability of the Algerian regime and Morocco's clear demands for France to recognize its sovereignty over Western Sahara are highlighted as key issues. Macron is urged to make decisions that support regional stability and the economic interests of both sides of the Mediterranean.

Spanish Lessons from Morocco!

04 Feb 2023  |  atlasinfo.fr
Morocco and Spain have reinforced their political and diplomatic ties, with Spain recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara, a move that has disappointed Algeria and the Polisario Front. The strengthened relationship between Morocco and Spain is seen as a strategic partnership that could influence the European Union's stance on the issue. The article also hints at a potential shift in France's position, as Morocco seeks similar recognition from its historical ally.

Honeymoon between Rabat and Madrid, cold crisis with Paris

30 Jan 2023  |  atlasinfo.fr
Morocco and Spain are experiencing a diplomatic 'honeymoon' with a high-level meeting in Rabat, while simultaneously, Morocco's relationship with France is strained, marked by political divergences. Morocco questions why France does not follow Spain's lead in recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the southern provinces. The Moroccan-French relationship is further complicated by the potential French arms sales to Algeria, which could be used against Morocco or shared with the Polisario Front. Despite these tensions, French spokesperson Anne-Claire Legendre insists that France seeks a strong partnership with Morocco. Meanwhile, Spain is committed to strengthening its partnership with Morocco, as evidenced by a large delegation led by Spanish government officials, including Nadia Calviño and Teresa Rivera, aiming to bolster economic and political ties.

Algeria, Hatred as a Mode of Governance!

14 Jan 2023  |  Atlasinfo
The Algerian regime has shown a face of hatred towards Morocco, exemplified by denying the Moroccan U-23 football team's participation in the African Nations Championship (CHAN) by not granting overflight authorization. Despite interventions by CAF and FIFA leaders with President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the Moroccan team was unable to fly to Constantine. The Algerian media, following directives from President Tebboune's office, did not cover Morocco's achievements positively. This institutionalized hatred is morally condemnable and inexcusable. The Algerian boycott of Morocco's achievements and CHAN participation does not diminish Morocco's international recognition. The Algerian regime's actions are seen as a communication failure and a violation of international diplomacy, leading to shame among many Algerians and revealing the regime's intent to escalate regional hatred.

Polisario, at the twilight of separatism!

17 Oct 2022  |  atlasinfo.fr
The article discusses the potential decline of the Polisario Front's separatist movement in the Western Sahara conflict, influenced by changing international perceptions and regional power dynamics. The Moroccan autonomy plan is gaining traction, and the UN Security Council, with changing stances from the US, Spain, Germany, and Arab unanimity, is discussing the Sahara issue. The French diplomatic position, Algerian involvement, and Iranian support for the Polisario Front are identified as key uncertainties. The article suggests that the separatism of the Polisario Front, which is experiencing internal disputes, is at a crossroads, with the only viable solution being integration into the UN process and acceptance of Morocco's autonomy plan.

Macron's Visit to Algeria Scrutinized in Rabat

25 Aug 2022  |  atlasinfo.fr
French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to Algeria is closely monitored in Rabat, with a focus on several sensitive issues including Algerian gas supplies, memory fractures, the Malian imbroglio, the crisis between Madrid and Algeria, and the Moroccan Sahara issue. Macron faced setbacks before his visit, with the Grand Rabbi of France of Algerian origin, Haîm Korsia, withdrawing from the trip and the mysterious omission of Chems Eddine Hafiz from the official French list. Morocco's King Mohammed VI has called for clarity from allies on the sovereignty over the Sahara, targeting France without naming it. The Moroccan and Algerian governments are aware that France's position could either resolve or delay the regional dispute. Macron's visit is seen as a delicate diplomatic exercise, with potential discussions on easing visa restrictions for Maghreb citizens and deepening partnerships in the region.

Mohammed VI Extends the Hand of Brotherhood to Algeria

31 Jul 2022  |  atlasinfo.fr
King Mohammed VI of Morocco has reiterated his country's longstanding policy of good neighborliness and desire for reconciliation with Algeria on the 23rd anniversary of his accession to the throne. Despite the ongoing political and economic challenges in the region, the King has emphasized Morocco's friendship and support for the Algerian people, warning against forces that seek to sow discord. The article suggests that the Algerian government's policy of hostility towards Morocco is losing traction among its citizens, who are increasingly skeptical of the regime's justifications for maintaining closed borders and labeling Morocco as an eternal enemy. The article also touches on the broader regional and international context, noting the Algerian government's strained relations with other countries and the potential implications for the upcoming Arab League summit.

Macron, Inevitable Second Term!

22 Apr 2022  |  atlasinfo.fr
Emmanuel Macron is portrayed as the inevitable winner of the French presidential election after a debate where he demonstrated a strong command of issues and dominated over Marine Le Pen, who is criticized for her lack of competence. Despite Macron's apparent lead, the latest polls suggest a tighter race than expected, with votes against Macron and the far-right converging to a potentially close finish.

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Macron menacé par le casting gouvernemental

10 Feb 2018  |  Atlasinfo
L'article analyse la situation politique en France sous la présidence d'Emmanuel Macron, soulignant sa chance initiale due à une opposition faible et un contexte international favorable. Cependant, l'article se concentre sur les récentes difficultés rencontrées par Macron, notamment les scandales sexuels impliquant deux membres de son gouvernement, Gérald Darmanin et Nicolas Hulot. Darmanin est accusé d'avoir échangé des faveurs sexuelles contre des services, tandis que Hulot est confronté à des accusations de viol prescrites. Ces affaires ont entaché la réputation du gouvernement Macron et posent des questions sur la capacité de ces ministres à continuer à servir dans leurs fonctions. L'article questionne également la réaction de Macron face à ces crises et s'il sacrifiera Darmanin et Hulot pour maintenir l'intégrité de son gouvernement.

State visit to Tunisia against a backdrop of social tensions for Macron: what are the stakes?

31 Jan 2018  |  RT en Français
French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Tunisia on January 31 for a two-day state visit amidst social unrest in the country, seven years after the Arab Spring. The visit includes a meeting with his Tunisian counterpart and a speech to Tunisian deputies on February 1. Journalist Mustapha Tossa highlighted the visit's importance compared to previous ones in the Maghreb, noting Macron's intention to value Tunisia's democratic experience during a period of social contestation. Riadh Sidaoui, director of CARAPS, emphasized the need for European support for Tunisia's emerging democracy, pinpointing the economy as the current main issue. He suggested that France could help Tunisia establish a welfare state to address the grievances expressed by protesters.

The Great European Confusion Over Morocco

13 Jan 2018  |  Atlasinfo
The article discusses the tension between the European Union and Morocco following an opinion by Advocate General Melchior Wathelet of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which deemed the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement invalid because it includes the Sahara region. The article argues that Morocco, confident in its historical and political legitimacy, has not reacted to what it considers the personal opinions of Wathelet. It emphasizes the importance of the strategic partnership between the EU and Morocco, particularly in combating terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, and illegal immigration. The article calls for a definitive European stance to prevent undermining this partnership and suggests that the EU's interests align with maintaining stability in the Mediterranean and Sahel regions.

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