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Chi Nguyen

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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About Chi
Chi Nguyen is a freelance journalist based in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) Vietnam. She is also a TV journalist from National Television VTV
She is journalism and media studies lecture, journalism and media studies facilitator,
Interpreter and translator
Public Relation practioner
Documentaries Fact Checking

Landscape-level determinants of the performance of an agglomeration bonus in conservation auctions

04 Apr 2024  |  onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The study investigates the effectiveness of agglomeration bonuses (AB) in conservation auctions, which are designed to incentivize spatial coordination among landholders for better conservation outcomes. The research, funded by the European Commission, was conducted through controlled lab experiments with agriculture students at Kiel University, Germany. It found that the performance of AB varies depending on the landscape type, particularly the spatial correlation between opportunity costs and environmental benefits. While AB can mitigate rent-seeking behavior and promote coordination, its success is contingent on landscape type, with positive correlations between costs and benefits being more conducive to AB's effectiveness. The study suggests that stringent budget constraints can limit the number of contracts awarded, and AB may not always translate into improved spatial coordination or auction cost-effectiveness, potentially leading to welfare loss.

The video that I was produced for Zoomin TV, Nertherland

Cooperating with Aliens and AGIs: An ECL Explainer

15 Mar 2023  |  www.lesswrong.com
Evidential cooperation in large worlds (ECL) is a concept that suggests agents across the universe or multiverse can gain from cooperating without physical interaction, based on decision theories that posit one's decisions influence similar agents. The observable universe's vastness implies many agents exist for potential cooperation, which could be crucial for effective altruism. The text discusses the theory, practical implications for AI cooperation, and how to get involved in ECL research.

Ten Filipino community journalists are chosen for the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship while two journalists from Southeast Asian newsrooms are selected for the #FactsMatter Fellowship

01 Feb 2023  |  RAPPLER
Rappler, in collaboration with the Journalism for Nation Building Foundation, has awarded fellowships to 10 Filipino community journalists and two Southeast Asian journalists. The Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship and the #FactsMatter Fellowship aim to provide journalists with tools to navigate the digital age and combat disinformation. The selected journalists from the Philippines are from Mindanao, Visayas, and Luzon, while the Southeast Asian journalists are from Vietnam and Myanmar. The fellowship includes online training sessions by Rappler’s senior editors and research and data teams, focusing on addressing disinformation and public interest journalism. The program runs from February to May 2023.

Heat: Extreme temperatures likely to increase

31 Jul 2022  |  ZEIT ONLINE ze.tt
Heatwaves and droughts are causing wildfires and agricultural losses across Europe and other parts of the world, with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. In response to the extreme weather, countries like France, Spain, Portugal, and England have developed comprehensive heat protection plans, while Germany is still in the pilot project phase. California declared a state of emergency due to forecasted extreme heat. The wine harvest in regions like Bordeaux began early due to the dry season, and experts are calling for a sustainable transformation of forestry to combat future wildfires. In China, the ongoing heat is threatening the autumn harvest, prompting calls for water conservation and protection of crops. German businesses in China are affected by energy shortages, leading to production stops. The Brazilian Amazon is experiencing the highest number of wildfires since 2007, with deforestation increasing under President Jair Bolsonaro's tenure.

Free speech with zero restraints is a self defeating chaos

19 May 2022  |  VnExpress International – Latest news, business, travel and analysis from Vietnam
The article discusses the challenges posed by fake news and misinformation in the digital age, emphasizing the importance of digital literacy. It references studies by Oxford and Harvard Universities to highlight the prevalence of fake news and its impact on different age groups. The author critiques the stance of platforms like Facebook and the potential implications of Elon Musk's proposed acquisition of Twitter for free speech. The article suggests that an open system without restrictions is not beneficial due to the dangers of hate speech and the spread of misinformation. It concludes by advocating for a 'clean Internet environment' through better education on news consumption rather than unrestricted free speech.

Tightened entry restrictions for foreign tourists no longer necessary

15 Mar 2022  |  e.vnexpress.net
Vietnam's Ministry of Health proposed tightened entry restrictions for foreign tourists when daily COVID-19 infections were not too high, suggesting a three-day self-isolation and multiple tests. This caused concern among travel firms. However, the ministry is working to reduce entry procedures and is drafting new regulations. From March 15, Vietnam will lift most travel restrictions, allowing foreign tourists to visit without booking tour packages, although final regulations are pending. The country has seen over 10,000 foreign arrivals since partially reopening and will resume its unilateral visa exemption policy for citizens from 13 countries.

Working with the film crew from Radio Television Hong Kong in 2018, in Mekong Delta Region



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