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Bruno Torquato

Belo Horizonte, Brazil
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About Bruno
Bruno Torquato is a journalist based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

I'm a member of the Lena Santos Collective of Black Journalists. I have extensive experience in corporate communications and journalism, having worked in Press, Internal Communications, Content Production, and Press Relations for medium and large-sized companies. I have previous experience as a political reporter at O TEMPO and as a Communications Executive at CDN Communications. In addition, I worked at Rádio Band News FM in Belo Horizonte, BH Press Communications, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (currently Stellantis), where I was outsourced by Approach Communications, where I worked in corporate communication for media relations focused on sustainability and institutional areas. In the group, I also worked on the content production of two major exhibitions at Casa Fiat de Cultura.

As a freelancer, I worked as a reporter for CBC News TV in Canada and Telearuba TV in the Caribbean, with live entries in English in both cases. Currently, I am part of the UOL freelancers reporters network and have already published content in Estadão, Folha de S. Paulo, and CNN Brasil.
English Portuguese
Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering Feature Stories
Business Finance Politics

Cell phone data from Bolsonaro may be used in other inquiries, lawyers say

16 Mar 2024  |  CNN Brasil
Cell phone data seized from former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro during a Federal Police operation investigating Covid-19 vaccination card fraud may be used in other inquiries. Legal experts explain the concepts of 'borrowed evidence' and 'fortuitous finding of evidence,' which allow for evidence to be used across different investigations. Bolsonaro's defense, along with his party's president, Valdemar Costa Neto, assert his integrity and question the operation's legality. Bolsonaro himself denies any wrongdoing regarding his vaccination status.

Bolsonaro praises Zema, but says Viana has a proposal to do better

02 Aug 2023  |  www.otempo.com.br
President and re-election candidate Jair Bolsonaro commented on the electoral dispute in Minas Gerais, praising the current governor and re-election candidate Romeu Zema for his 'good' governance, while also highlighting that Carlos Viana, the candidate from his party, has a proposal to do even better. Bolsonaro expressed disappointment over the lack of an agreement with Zema's Novo Party due to their own presidential candidate, which he felt could cause friction.

Kalil confirms Lula at Praça da Estação in Belo Horizonte on August 18

26 Jul 2023  |  otempo.com.br
Alexandre Kalil, PSD's candidate for the government of Minas Gerais, confirmed that presidential candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the PT party will visit Belo Horizonte on August 18 during the official campaign period. The event will take place at Praça da Estação. Kalil, who has been trying to associate his image with Lula's, has yet to convert Lula's support into a significant increase in voting intentions according to a DATATEMPO survey. Governor Romeu Zema of the Novo party currently leads the polls for the succession in Minas with a potential first-round reelection.

End of grain agreement between Russia and Ukraine could impact inflation in Brazil, experts say

01 May 2023  |  CNN Brasil
The grain export agreement between Russia and Ukraine, facilitated by Turkey, is at risk as Russia threatens to end it, citing non-compliance by Ukraine and Western countries. Experts warn that the termination could exacerbate global food insecurity and increase grain prices, impacting inflation in countries like Brazil. The agreement, which unlocked three Ukrainian ports and allowed for the export of 5 million tons of cereals per month, is crucial for global food security. The potential end of the agreement raises concerns for Brazil, where food inflation could be affected, influencing the Central Bank's interest rate decisions. The UN has highlighted the agreement's role in preventing a further 100 million people from falling into extreme poverty by reducing basic food prices.

State Deputy Andréia de Jesus Receives Letter with Racist Content

08 Apr 2023  |  otempo.com.br
State Deputy Andréia de Jesus (PT) received a racist letter containing a Nazi symbol at her office in the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais. The handwritten message included derogatory racial slurs and references to her hometown, Ribeirão das Neves. The letter also featured skull drawings and a swastika. Andréia de Jesus, who has faced similar threats in the past, expressed that such attacks are the result of a shaken democracy and a racist society. She has reported the incident to the Legislative Police and plans to file a report with the Military Police. The Legislative Assembly announced it would increase security for the deputy following the threats.

Bonfires, skiing, costumes: countries celebrate Easter differently from Brazil

07 Apr 2023  |  cnnbrasil.com.br
Easter is celebrated around the world with various cultural customs beyond its religious significance. In Sweden, the 'spring-winter' season is a time for outdoor celebrations with skiing, barbecues, and sunbathing in snow pits. Australians have the 'Bilby', a native marsupial, as an Easter icon, with chocolates shaped like Bilbies instead of the traditional bunny. In the United States, Easter egg hunts with candy-filled eggs are a common tradition. Germany's celebrations involve hiding Easter eggs and gifts for children, followed by feasts without traditional recipes. Finnish children dress up and go door-to-door asking for sweets, similar to Halloween.

PP state official endorses Zema in Minas; Marcelo Aro runs for Senate

30 Jul 2022  |  www.otempo.com.br
The Progressistas (PP) in Minas Gerais has officially endorsed Romeu Zema of the Novo Party for reelection as governor. During the party's state convention in Belo Horizonte, Marcelo Aro was also confirmed as the candidate for the Senate on Zema's ticket. Zema emphasized the need for collaboration with other parties, marking a shift from his 2018 campaign, which he won without a coalition.

Aécio denies dinner with Zema and reinforces support for Pestana

04 Jul 2022  |  otempo.com.br
Federal deputy and former governor of Minas Gerais, Aécio Neves (PSDB), denied plans to dine with current governor Romeu Zema (Novo) and reaffirmed his support for Marcus Pestana (PSDB) as the party's candidate for the Minas Gerais government. The PSDB officially works on Pestana's pre-candidacy without showing signs of supporting another party's candidate. Zema's party faces challenges confirming a vice-candidate for his ticket. Mateus Simões (Novo) expressed hope for PSDB's support for Zema's reelection, questioning Pestana's viability as a candidate. Paulo Abi-Ackel, PSDB's state president, responded by suggesting Simões' comments could sabotage potential alliances.

Marília Campos, Mayor of Contagem, returns from leave after Covid-19

04 Jul 2022  |  otempo.com.br
Marília Campos, the mayor of Contagem from PT, is returning to her duties on Tuesday, although only for internal commitments at the city hall, after being away due to a positive Covid-19 test. She had been off since last Thursday when she tested positive for the coronavirus. According to the communication office of the Prefeitura de Contagem, she underwent a new test on Monday, which came back negative, and she is still in recovery.

André Quintão says that the STF's decision on the RRF must be obeyed

29 Jun 2022  |  otempo.com.br
André Quintão, a state deputy from PT and pre-candidate for the government of Minas Gerais, stated during a PT and PSD event in Belo Horizonte that the decision by STF minister Luiz Roberto Barroso regarding Minas Gerais' debt to the Union must be respected. He emphasized the need for dialogue and criticized the current government for not convincing the majority of parliamentarians. Quintão also commented on the restrictions of the Fiscal Recovery Regime (RRF), suggesting they are not the best path for Minas Gerais due to the stringent control over spending, and highlighted the importance of public investment.

Kalil attacks 'elite' and Zema at PT and PSD event

29 Jun 2022  |  otempo.com.br
Alexandre Kalil, PSD's pre-candidate for the government of Minas Gerais, criticized the 'elite', President Bolsonaro, and Governor Romeu Zema during a PT and PSD event in Belo Horizonte. He accused Zema of hiding during storms that hit Minas Gerais and called for the removal of the 'greedy elite' and the 'denialist' from the Palácio do Planalto.

Zema attacks Kalil: 'He wants people subjected to the will of the ruler'

28 Jun 2022  |  otempo.com.br
Minas Gerais Governor and re-election candidate Romeu Zema of the Novo party criticized his political opponent Alexandre Kalil of the PSD, accusing him of wanting the population to be dependent on basic food baskets and thus subject to the will of state rulers. Zema contrasted this with his goal of giving people autonomy, exemplified by a woman from Vale do Jequitinhonha who would sign her work card for the first time and no longer need a basic food basket.

Police open investigation into racism in student group at BH school

20 Dec 2021  |  www.folhadelondrina.com.br
The Civil Police of Minas Gerais has initiated an investigation into a case of racism against a 14-year-old boy in Belo Horizonte, which occurred within a WhatsApp group of students from Colégio Cristão Ver. The boy's father, Alexandre, and their lawyer, Gilberto Silva, have provided testimony and evidence. The lawyer has submitted message screenshots and is considering further legal action, including a civil lawsuit. The school has issued a statement condemning the actions and calling for the responsible parties to be held accountable.

An article wrote by me to Zenger News

An article wrote by me to Zenger News

An article wrote by me to Zenger News

Freelancer job negotiated through the Paydesk - Live broadcasting to CBC (Canada) about Amazon Fire. Aug. 2019.

An article written to Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Brazil in the introduction of a new vehicle in the Brazilian Market.


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Verified Jan 2018
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Verified Jan 2018
Jan 2018

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