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Angela Tufvesson

Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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About Angela
I’m an Australian freelance journalist specialising in health, sustainability and lifestyle with 15 years’ experience in media. I’m based in Hong Kong working with clients in Australia and around the world.

My writing has been published in more than 70 print and digital publications in Hong Kong, Australia and Asia-Pacific. I’m a contributor to the South China Morning Post, and I’ve written for most of Australia and New Zealand’s major newspapers and magazine publishers.  

I also create content and corporate communications for brands, universities and corporates including Deakin University, Beyond Blue, the Australian Psychological Society, HCF, Weight Watchers, Sanofi, Sustainability Victoria and Bupa.

Before going freelance I worked in magazines for many years, including a stint as editor of Women’s Health & Fitness, and I’ve also held in-house corporate communications roles with not-for-profits and member-based organisations. 

I hold a Bachelor of Communication (Honours) / Bachelor of Arts from Monash University.
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Science & Environment Health & Fitness Climate Change

Speaking the right language

11 Mar 2024  |  lsj.com.au
In Australia, where a significant portion of the population is born overseas and speaks a language other than English at home, multilingualism is becoming increasingly recognized as an asset in the legal profession. Lawyers like Linda Huan and Colin Yuan, who speak Mandarin, find that their language skills enhance their ability to serve clients and understand business cultures. However, the legal field remains predominantly monolingual and monocultural, with multilingualism often serving as a proxy for a diverse, non-white background, which can be a barrier to entry and acceptance. Despite the advantages of multilingual lawyers in servicing local communities and conducting cross-border transactions, the profession still largely favors white, Anglo-Celtic, Australian-accented individuals, especially in leadership roles. The article suggests that embracing linguistic diversity could improve the profession's ability to uphold justice and better serve a multicultural population.

Do you need a personal assistant for your life?

28 Aug 2023  |  lsj.com.au
Alyce Kliese, a partner at Shaw Reynolds Lawyers, manages her busy professional and personal life with the help of a personal life assistant from Organise Curate Design, founded by Caroline Brunne. These assistants handle domestic responsibilities, allowing clients like Kliese to focus on other areas of their life. Sarah Feehan, director of Life Executive Assistant, also provides similar services, managing tasks such as insurance claims and home repairs. The article discusses the mental load associated with household management and how outsourcing these tasks can improve mental health, particularly for women who disproportionately bear the burden of domestic work. Mary Digiglio, a managing partner at Swaab and board member of the Minds Count Foundation, and Lauren Berry, co-founder of Work Life Everything, provide insights into the benefits of such services for professional women. The article also touches on the importance of effective communication with personal life assistants and the potential emotional challenges of outsourcing domestic tasks.

Why it's a good idea to hire from outside your industry

27 Feb 2023  |  seek.com.au
Hiring from outside one's industry can be beneficial by introducing new skills, perspectives, and enthusiasm to the workplace. Transferable 'soft' skills, such as communication and adaptability, are often more valuable than industry-specific experience. Manual review of resumes and detailed interviews can help identify candidates with relevant transferable skills. With some training, new hires from different industries can quickly adapt and potentially offer more growth than those with longer industry tenure.

Comfort Viewing

06 Dec 2021  |  lsj.com.au
During the pandemic, people are increasingly turning to nostalgic TV shows for comfort and a sense of control amidst uncertainty. Shows like Friends, Law & Order, and Gilmore Girls provide a familiar experience that can alleviate stress. Experts from Deakin University and the Australian Psychological Society highlight the therapeutic benefits of rewatching old favorites, which can improve mental health and wellbeing. They suggest that while it's important to stay active, indulging in pleasurable activities, including watching TV, is beneficial. They also recommend using nostalgia TV as a social tool to connect with others. However, they caution against overindulgence in the long term, as new experiences are crucial for brain health and development.

The long haul

30 Sep 2020  |  lsj.com.au
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the mental wellbeing of Australians, particularly legal practitioners who face new challenges such as working from home, job instability, and blurred boundaries between work and personal life. Experts warn of potential increases in mental health issues among lawyers due to these stressors. Strategies for managing mental health include establishing routines, practicing self-care, and seeking professional help if needed. The Law Society of NSW acknowledges the potential mental health impacts on solicitors and offers support services. Inoka Ho, a family lawyer, shares her experience of building mental resilience and adapting to the pandemic's challenges.

Brand Ambassadors: more than face value

31 Aug 2020  |  jewellermagazine.com
The article discusses the evolving role of brand ambassadors in marketing, highlighting the shift from traditional celebrity endorsements to more authentic and data-driven strategies. It examines the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements through studies and expert opinions, noting that a clear match between the celebrity and the product is crucial. The risks associated with celebrity fallibility, such as scandals, are also explored. The article emphasizes the importance of alignment between the ambassador's profile and the brand's values for successful partnerships. It also covers the rise of social media influencers and their impact on consumer engagement and purchasing decisions. Examples of successful collaborations, such as Bear Grylls with Luminox and Rita Ora with Thomas Sabo, illustrate the trend towards authenticity and the involvement of celebrities in the creative process.

Author page for realestate.com.au

The New Daily

09 Jun 2020  |  www.thenewdaily.com.au
The article discusses The New Daily, an Australian news outlet that provides free news and information to the Australian public. The New Daily prides itself on being a trusted source of national news. The article also mentions the outlet's editorial charter, which likely outlines the principles and standards guiding its journalistic practices. However, the article does not provide detailed information about specific events or stories covered by The New Daily, nor does it delve into the content of the editorial charter.

South China Morning Post

09 Jun 2020  |  South China Morning Post
The article provides guidance on how to interpret food product labels, which can often be complex and filled with marketing jargon. It aims to help consumers understand what to look for on these labels to make informed choices based on their individual health needs and conditions. The piece likely includes expert opinions and advice on deciphering nutritional information and identifying key elements that are important for maintaining a healthy diet.

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Healthy ways to improve your commute

07 Nov 2019  |  lsj.com.au
Australian workers are spending more time commuting, with negative impacts on their physical and mental health. Sedentary behavior from driving is linked to various health risks, while long commutes also reduce time for health-promoting activities. Active travel, such as biking or walking, is suggested as a solution, offering significant health benefits and potentially increasing job satisfaction. For those who must drive, flexible work hours and a positive attitude towards commuting can help alleviate stress.

Why cookbook clubs are the latest dinner party trend

09 Jun 2018  |  thenewdaily.com.au
Cookbook clubs, a blend of book clubs and dinner parties, are gaining popularity globally, including in Adelaide where the Adelaide Cookbook Club meets twice a month to cook and share dishes from a selected cookbook. The club, founded by Tanya Perry, fosters a supportive and collaborative environment, attracting individuals of varying cooking skills. The trend promotes home cooking, eases the stress of entertaining, and helps build new friendships. Nutritionist Laura Sitter notes that cookbook clubs can lead to healthier eating habits by encouraging cooking with whole foods and sharing knowledge about recipes and ingredients.

US jewellery designer triumphs with Aussie opal

18 Aug 2017  |  jewellermagazine.com
John Ford won two 'platinum honours' at the AGTA 2017 Spectrum Awards for his opal and diamond jewellery. His Lightning Ridge Collection, which features black opal sourced from Lightning Ridge for over 30 years, has gained significant exposure, becoming a nationwide brand in the US and often seen at prestigious events like the Oscars and Emmy Awards. Ford emphasizes the importance of promoting Australian opal globally and praises its natural beauty and environmentally-sensitive mining practices.

Brand is everything jewellers sell, do and stand for

23 Jun 2017  |  www.jewellermagazine.com
The article discusses the importance of branding in the retail industry, emphasizing that a brand extends beyond products to include the retailer's identity and customer experience. It argues that marketing has been reduced to mere promotion, neglecting the broader business strategy. The piece highlights the need for retailers to find their unique value proposition and avoid competing solely on price, as seen in the Australian market with the entry of Aldi and the response from Woolworths and Coles. The article also underscores the significance of branding mnemonics and storytelling in creating memorable customer experiences and differentiating from competitors. It cites examples of successful branding by companies like De Beers, Tiffany & Co, and Pandora, and criticizes Qantas and Woolworths for abandoning established branding strategies. The importance of maintaining brand assets and the power of storytelling in retail are key themes throughout the discussion.

What’s Trending for Bridal Jewellery in 2017?

22 May 2017  |  jewellermagazine.com
Bridal jewellery trends in 2017 reflect a mix of lifestyle, fashion, art, and technology influences. Pantone's Colour of the Year, 'Greenery', has inspired wedding themes incorporating natural elements. Vintage-themed weddings with intricate details and historical elements are popular, as are boho chic weddings with a focus on uniqueness and personalization. Classic-themed weddings remain a staple, with a trend towards classic solitaires and plain wedding bands. Jewellers are advised to balance modern customer preferences with traditional wedding jewellery design for success.

Aussie opal on fire

31 Mar 2017  |  www.jewellermagazine.com
The Fire of Australia, an almost 5,000-carat opal discovered by Walter Bartram at the Eight Mile field in Coober Pedy, is valued at $900,000 and is believed to be the most valuable piece of rough opal in existence. The Bartram family retained the opal for 70 years before selling it to the South Australian Museum for $500,000, with the help of a Federal Government grant, to ensure its legacy in Australia. The museum, which also houses the Virgin Rainbow, considers the Fire of Australia a national treasure. The Opal Association believes that public display of the opal will enhance the perception and value of opals in Australia.

Is fertility hereditary?

18 Oct 2016  |  bodyandsoul
Fertility is not strictly hereditary, and there is no infertility gene passed through generations. However, conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can affect fertility, sometimes run in families. Research indicates that women with a close relative with endometriosis are more likely to be diagnosed with it, and immediate female relatives of women with PCOS have a higher chance of having the condition. Genetics may also play a role in the rate of decline in egg quality and number with age, as evidenced by the correlation between early menopause in mothers and daughters. Experts suggest that while genetics can influence fertility, factors such as advanced maternal age have a more significant impact.

Secret staying power of fashion watches

04 Apr 2016  |  jewellermagazine.com
Fashion watches remain a robust category in the jewelry retail industry, with brands like Daniel Wellington and The Horse gaining popularity. These watches appeal to consumers' desire for self-expression and lifestyle projection, rather than just price or status. Marketing strategies, including social media presence, are crucial for the success of these brands. The trend is shifting towards understated and subtle designs, reflecting an authentic lifestyle. Repeat purchases are encouraged by the affordability of fashion watches, and consumers often own multiple watches to match different outfits and occasions. The challenge for jewelers is to select brands that resonate with their target consumers and to use social media effectively to stay current with trends and build brand desirability.

The Gen-Y consumer tsunami

28 Jul 2010  |  jewellermagazine.com
Generation Y, born between 1978 and 1995, is a significant demographic in the US, with a purchasing power of $200 billion annually. They are technologically savvy, preferring online interactions over traditional TV, and are expected to make most purchasing decisions using high-tech tools. Blogs and social networks are becoming key marketing platforms, with speed in decision-making and product design being crucial. Gen-Y views luxury items as investments and seeks quality and classic designs. They expect special treatment, prefer subtlety in products, and require emotional rationale for purchases. Positive peer feedback is vital for their buying decisions, and they favor the term 'deal' over 'sale'. Retailers are warned to adapt to Gen-Y's technological preferences or risk obsolescence.

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